Businesswoman and reality TV star Kim Kardashian shared on Instagram Stories recently what it’s like, when she has a flare-up of psoriasis. She shared videos of the red, raw patches on her skin, talking about how she still doesn’t know what triggers them. Kim first experienced the skin condition when she was 25, after a bout of flu.

“How crazy is my psoriasis right now guys? It’s like all up my leg. I don’t know what’s happening. But I gotta figure this out,” Kim said in one video, with the text over the clip reading, “Not gonna lie this is painful. Not sure what my triggers are. I haven’t changed my diet. I’ve tried everything! Psoriasis s****.”

In the next video, she said, “I usually just have this spot, but now I can tell it’s going down my leg and up my leg and all up my thigh. So I just know it’s time to figure this out,” with the text on the video reading, “Just wanted to share my journey with you guys.”

She also joked that she had a heart-shaped mark right on time for Valentine’s Day. “Am I tripping? Or is my psoriasis in the shape of a heart for Valentine’s Day? Do you guys see that, kind of right? Like I think I totally see it. And I can see the psoriasis everywhere else. But lucky me, I have a heart-shaped psoriasis for Valentine’s Day.”

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